Math Club is an extracurricular organization at the University of Maryland - College Park. Our philosophy is that anyone with any level of interest in mathematics should have the opportunity to share their interest with like-minded peers. For this reason, Math Club membership is open to all students. There are no prerequisites to join the club.
We hold biweekly meetings where our members enjoy various activities which are detailed below.
Join our club on TerpLink for more information about when and how to join these meetings!
At our meetings, members give talks on topics of their choice. In the past, speakers have talked about Rubik's cubes, imagining four dimensional space, integer partitions, mental calculations of roots, the sequence 1234321234321234321...., continued fraction expansions, and efficiently computing Fibonacci numbers.
We've also organized guest talks. In previous semesters, Professor Harry Tamvakis gave a talk on integer partitions, Professor Clyde Kruskal gave a talk on the mathematics of bridge, and Professor Tom Goldstein gave a talk on the countability of sets.
We meet every other Monday from 5:00 to 6:00 PM in the Chemical and Nuclear Engineering Building, CHE2108.
Feel free to drop in on any meetings that you can!
Join the Math Club on TerpLink. Also, feel free to send an email to us at mathclub [at] umd [dot] edu expressing your interest. There are no requirements to join besides an interest in math!
Sure! We'd love to hear what you have to say. Send us an email at mathclub [at] umd [dot] edu that includes a short description of your proposed talk.
We have previously experimented with different lengths of talks, including 15 minute, 40 minute, and 1 hour.